Why The Indian School?
We build Ocean Liners with Indian Anchors and Ethical Rudders.
We are often asked the question “Why THE INDIAN SCHOOL?” Our answer is that while we prepare our children to meet global challenges we also ensure that they retain in themselves their Indian SANSKARAS. We thus build ocean liners with Indian anchors and ethical rudders.
In today’s fast changing world when limitless opportunities are opening up for the young, we are extra watchful of the dangers that confront us, particularly the escalating alienation of adolescence which is emerging to be the single greatest menace.
For us at The Indian School, respect for Indian values is an intrinsic part of our Sanskara Syllabus. It means respect for the sanctity of the home, it means observance of ethics, kindness and integrity, courtesy and respect for elders and teachers. It means upholding truth, it means observance of ahimsa or non-aggression towards our environment – whether living or inanimate, whether it be the society in which we live or the property that we use. These values, which we believe are timeless, have been passed down to us through the ages and remain as relevant today as they were then.
The school is non-denominational in character but spirituality and prayer are an integral part of our morning assembly.

Our morning assembly is a forum where tenets of all religious beliefs ranging from the eight-fold path of Buddha to Jainism, Christianity, Hinduism, Judaism, Zoroastrianism and Islam share an equal platform, as children are sensitised to respect the core message of each religion.
We want our children to be aware of their rights and responsibilities as good citizens of their country.
The Citizenship Programme has brought forth many volunteers for our crusading programmes. They range from those learning to share with the less privileged, elders, the infirm, the disadvantaged and those wanting to preserve our heritage. They undertake to supervise cleanliness in public places, such as neighbourhood markets, provide wheelchairs for old age homes, and fund surgeries for orphans. Instead of organising collection drives to gather funds, we encourage children to engage in Shramdaan whereby the children earn money from the sweat of their brows, making soaps, candles, and growing plants to fund the needs of the less advantaged.
The values we adhere to at our school are those enshrined in our Constitution. All our efforts are directed towards upholding, maintaining and preserving these democratic ideals which make diversity our strength.
We regard parents as our stakeholders in the upbringing of our children.