Teacher's Role

To be innovative, To be inspirational, To generate curiosity and excitement for learning...
Our teachers induce interest in their subjects by sharing purpose, vision and innovation in pedagogy. They have positive expectations from students and are effective classroom managers. Constantly learning and updating their own knowledge banks, they are well-equipped to design innovative lessons for their students. Dissemination of knowledge is achieved through a variety of methods ranging from theatre in education and role play to excursions.
The teacher’s role is to design learning experiences that help students understand concepts and own the knowledge they construct! Multimedia-linked smartboards, internet-based learning, subject laboratories and cross-curricular approaches are common in our classrooms. But the teacher’s human touch transcends and transforms it all.

The teachers at The Indian School share a relationship of love and trust with the children in their care. Mutual respect and regard are woven into the fabric of this relationship, as we strive to raise emotionally resilient and pragmatic citizens who can handle both praise and constructive criticism.
Over a period of time, the pupil becomes his/her own monitor, and explicit disciplining becomes less and less necessary.
At the end of every academic year, the teachers meet to share their “Best practices” with their colleagues. The teachers try to develop different teaching methods to suit each child.
The teachers at The Indian School are constantly reinventing themselves keeping abreast with the winds of change blowing across the world, which includes travelling overseas on exchange programmes. To add to their efforts, we undertake rigorous and regular Teacher Training Programmes, under some of the best educational brains in the country, from time to time. We have almost minimal cases of bullying. Much of this must be attributed to peer learning.
Teachers have their own Resource Room with internet facilities.